Thursday, 1 September 2016

First MRI Scan On Left Leg

It was a nervous start to the day 5:15am and I learnt the trains were not running to time, others cancelled.  I'm on my way to Kings College Hospital in London for the first MRI to find out what is really going on with my left leg. 

As I have said before, the thought of going to London and going to hospital does not worry me, its all the stuff surrounding it that does.  The trains not running correctly does little to calm my OCD for running late, no one gave a seat to me despite suffering standing, the fact that in the end I was 45minutes early did not matter.  The travel home was a nightmare, and hours journey took almost 4 hours because of Southern Railways very thoughtful idiotic timetable.

Example of MRI Machine

Once at Kings College Hospital London, I found the MRI unit, was asked to fill a short questionnaire and strip off any metal out of my pockets.  I lay in a machine like in a tunnel while its magnets took real time imagery of my upper left thigh knee and lower leg.  My consultant surgeon wants to know why my femur appears to be collapsing, then using the data can get a model of the operations that I will need.  The MRI is not a machine for people who don't like small spaces.  I felt trapped and despite 2016 is the nosiest machine I have been in.

I should know more in a weeks time when I see my consultant again on Friday.

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